Thursday, January 27, 2011

Script Theory

Nobody seems to know anything about script theory. It's elusive, but Honeycutt (2010) mentions that II theory has roots in it.

I am beginning to think that PSRs, like IIs, lead to creating scripts with which we use when dealing with other people. "Not that there's anything wrong with that."

But how do you measure how much scripting goes on within a person as a result of watching TV?

That's a helluva question to ask and an even helluver question to answer. But answer me this: how would these bad boys spark your imagination if you saw them quantified?

RQ1: Does television content become scripted through PSRs?
H1: PSRs function as a means of internal rehearsal.
H2: PSRs function to compensate for lack of interaction or IIs.
H3: PSRs function to help us maintain real-life relationships with real people.
H4: PSRs function as catharsis.
H5: PSRs produce scripts for dealing with conflict.
H6: PSRs function to help us better understand ourselves.

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